a watch man is sitting out side the room he cant see what was happening in the room.
in that room there is a patient.watch man saw three doctors entering into the room one after the other.there are no people other than the patient in that room.after some time watch man heard the voice of "he is killing me,he is killing me".so the watch man understood that some thing wrong was going on in the room. instead of entering room to check what had happened he locked the room so that murder cannot escape and called police.the cops came and found that murder took place,watch man pointed the one of the doctors have commited the crime.
the question is how watch man identified the murder amoung the doctors?
(no blood stains on the drees of doctors or no feel of guilty on the face of the doctors and no tension or sweating on the face,no fingure printsand chance for dog squard)
for answer drag between *to*
*watch man heard the voice of he is killing me and under stood a male one is killing and amoung three doctors two are lady doctors*